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ĆOSIĆ, Rajko, Aleš VÍTEK, Martina ĆOSIĆOVÁ and René KALUS. Size Evolution of Photoabsorption Spectra of Small HeN+ Clusters: A Computational Study. ChemPhysChem. Wiley-VCH, 2023, 24(14), p. nestránkováno. ISSN 1439-4235. [Detail]
FOJTÍK, Roman, Viktor DUBOVSKÝ, Lenka KUBÍNCOVÁ, Kateřina STEJSKALOVÁ, Eva MACHOVČÁKOVÁ and Michal LESŇÁK. Probabilistic expression of the function of the change in prestressing force of timber elements depending on climatic conditions in situ. Construction and Building Materials. San Diego: Elsevier, 2023, 377(9 May 2023), p. 130955. ISSN 0950-0618. [Detail]
BERESECKÁ, Janka, Monika HUDÁKOVÁ, Veronika MOŠKOŘOVÁ, Jana HRONCOVÁ VICIANOVÁ and Štefan HRONEC. Use of Movable Cultural Heritage Through Libraries in Slovakia. Economics and Culture. De Gruyter, 2023, 20(2), p. 1-11. ISSN 2255-7563. [Detail]
ZUBÍČEK, Václav, Vlastimil HUDEČEK, Lucie ORLÍKOVÁ, Rostislav DANDOŠ, Petr JADVIŠČOK, Vancho ADJISKI and Dagmar DLOUHÁ. Thermal signatures of relict coal spoil, waste and tailing dumps. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment. Oslo: Taylor & Francis, 2023, p. neuveden. ISSN 1748-0930. [Detail]
SVĚTLÍK, Tadeáš, Radek VARGA, Lukáš POSPÍŠIL and Martin ČERMÁK. Mortar Method for 2D Elastic Bounded Contact Problems. Management Systems in Production Engineering. Varšava: De Gruyter, 2023, 31(4), p. 449-455. ISSN 2299-0461. [Detail]
SZURGACZ, Dawid, Beata BORSKA, Lukáš POSPÍŠIL, Dagmar DLOUHÁ, Jiří POKORNÝ and Sergey ZHIRONKIN. The Process of Developing Model Research for the Technology of Obtaining Energy Resources. Processes. BASEL: MDPI Open Access Publishing, 2023, 11(8), p. 2320. ISSN 2227-9717. [Detail]
DLOUHÁ, Dagmar, Lukáš POSPÍŠIL and Viktor DUBOVSKÝ. The simple network-based measuring system for improving the evaporation estimation. Production Engineering Archives. Berlín: Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2023, 29(3), p. 319-327. ISSN 2353-5156. [Detail]
ABEDI, Habib, Salvatore CAPOZZIELLO, Maurizio CAPRIOLO and Amir M ABBASSI. Gravitational energy-momentum pseudo-tensor in Palatini and metric f (R) gravity. Annals of Physics. San Diego: Elsevier, 2022, 439(April 2022), p. "nestrankovano". ISSN 0003-4916. [Detail]
BOSKOFF, Wladimir-Georges and Salvatore CAPOZZIELLO. Cosmological constant and AdS spacetimes from Minkowski spheres. International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics. Singapur: World Scientific Publishing, 2022, 19(08), p. "nestrankovano". ISSN 0219-8878. [Detail]
CAPOZZIELLO, Salvatore and Francesco BAJARDI. Nonlocal gravity cosmology: An overview. International Journal of Modern Physics D. Singapur: World Scientific Publishing, 2022, 31(06), p. "nestrankovano". ISSN 0218-2718. [Detail]
HORENKO, Illia, Lukáš POSPÍŠIL, Edoardo VECCHI, Steffen ALBRECHT, Alexander GERBER, Beate REHBOCK, Albrecht STROH and Susanne GERBER. Low-Cost Probabilistic 3D Denoising with Applications for Ultra-Low-Radiation Computed Tomography. Journal of Imaging. BASEL: MDPI Open Access Publishing, 2022, 8(6), p. "nestrankovano". ISSN 2313-433X. [Detail]
URBAN, Zbyněk and Jana VOLNÁ. The fundamental Lepage form in two independent variables: a generalization using order-reducibility. Mathematics. MDPI Open Access Publishing, 2022, 10(8), p. "nestrankovano". ISSN 2227-7390. [Detail]
VECCHI, Edoardo, Lukáš POSPÍŠIL, Steffen ALBRECHT, Terence J O'KANE and Illia HORENKO. eSPA plus : Scalable Entropy-Optimal Machine Learning Classification for Small Data Problems. Neural Computation. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2022, 34(5), p. 1220-1255. ISSN 0899-7667. [Detail]
VÍTEK, Aleš and René KALUS. Thermodynamics of small mercury clusters and the role of electronically excited states: a case study on Hg-13. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. London: Royal Society of Chemistry, 2022, 24(únor), p. 6915-6925. ISSN 1463-9076. [Detail]
ACUNZO, Adriano, Francesco BAJARDI and Salvatore CAPOZZIELLO. Non-local curvature gravity cosmology via Noether symmetries. Physics Letters B. San Diego: Elsevier, 2022, 826(10 March 2022), p. "nestrankovano". ISSN 0370-2693. [Detail]
PODKUL, Marek, Jiří POKORNÝ, Lenka BRUMAROVÁ, Dagmar DLOUHÁ, Zuzana HEINZOVÁ, Kateřina KUBRICKÁ, Dawid SZURGACZ and Miroslav FANTA. New Calculation Technique for Assessment of Smoke Layer Interface in Large Buildings in Connection with the Design of Buildings in the Czech Republic. SUSTAINABILITY. BASEL: MDPI, 2022, 14(11), p. 1-18. ISSN 2071-1050. [Detail]
KUDA, František, Simona MIKŠÍKOVÁ and David ULČÁK. Analysis of Malfunctions in Selected Parking Systems in the Czech Republic. Sustainability. Basilej: MDPI Open Access Publishing, 2022, 14(3), p. "nestrankovano". ISSN 2071-1050. [Detail]
ŠOFER, Michal, Pavel ŠOFER, Petr FERFECKI, Michal MOLČAN and Jakub STRYJA. Lamb Wave Mode Scattering Analysis on Adhesively Bonded Single Lap Joint using Modal Decomposition Method. Applied Mathematical Modelling. Elsevier, 2021, 89(08-2020), p. 413-427. ISSN 0307-904X. [Detail]
CAPOZZIELLO, Salvatore and G LAMBIASE. Cosmological curvature acceleration. European Physical Journal: Special Topics. Vídeň: Springer, 2021, 230(9), p. 2123-2138. ISSN 1951-6355. [Detail]
JAROŠOVÁ, Marcela and František STANĚK. Spatial Modelling of Kaolin Deposit Demonstrated on the Jimlíkov-East Deposit, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. MDPI Open Access Publishing, 2021, 10(11), p. 1-21. ISSN 2220-9964. [Detail]
BOBKOVÁ, Michaela and Lukáš POSPÍŠIL. Numerical Solution of Bending of the Beam with Given Friction. Mathematics. BASEL: MDPI Open Access Publishing, 2021, 9(8), p. nestránkováno. ISSN 2227-7390. [Detail]
ROJÍČEK, Jaroslav, Martin ČERMÁK, Radim HALAMA, Zbyněk PAŠKA and M. VAŠKO. Material model identification from set of experiments and validation by DIC. Mathematics and computers in simulation. New York: Elsevier Science, 2021, Volume 189(November 2021), p. 339-367. ISSN 0378-4754. [Detail]
DUBOVSKÝ, Viktor, Dagmar DLOUHÁ and Lukáš POSPÍŠIL. The Calibration of Evaporation Models against the Penman-Monteith Equation on Lake Most. Sustainability. BASEL: MDPI Open Access Publishing, 2021, 13(1), p. nestránkováno. ISSN 2071-1050. [Detail]
TRAN, Dang Bao, Jaroslav NAVRÁTIL and Martin ČERMÁK. An efficiency method for assessment of shear stress in prismatic beams with arbitrary cross-sections. Sustainability. Basilej: MDPI Open Access Publishing, 2021, 13(2), p. 1-20. ISSN 2071-1050. [Detail]
URBAN, Zbyněk and Jana VOLNÁ. On the Carathéodory form in higher-order variational field theory. Symmetry. Basilej: MDPI Open Access Publishing, 2021, 13(5), p. nestránkováno. ISSN 2073-8994. [Detail]
DLOUHÁ, Dagmar, Viktor DUBOVSKÝ and Lukáš POSPÍŠIL. Optimal Calibration of Evaporation Models against Penman-Monteith Equation. Water. BASEL: MDPI Open Access Publishing, 2021, 13(11), p. nestránkováno. ISSN 2073-4441. [Detail]
KRUŽÍK, Jakub, David HORÁK, Martin ČERMÁK, Lukáš POSPÍŠIL and Marek PECHA. Active set expansion strategies in MPRGP algorithm. Advances in Engineering Software. San Diego: Elsevier, 2020, 149(11), p. nestránkováno. ISSN 0965-9978. [Detail]
URBAN, Zbyněk, Francesco BAJARDI and Salvatore CAPOZZIELLO. The Noether--Bessel-Hagen symmetry approach for dynamical systems. International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics. Singapur: World Scientific Publishing, 2020, 17(14), p. nestránkováno. ISSN 0219-8878. [Detail]
TOMECEK, Jan, Irena RACHUNKOVA, Jana BURKOTOVA and Jakub STRYJA. Coexistence of bouncing and classical periodic solutions of generalized Lazer-Solimini equation. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications. San Diego: Elsevier, 2020, 196, p. nestránkováno. ISSN 0362-546X. [Detail]
KRUŽÍK, Jakub, David HORÁK, Václav HAPLA and Martin ČERMÁK. Comparison of selected FETI coarse space projector implementation strategies. Parallel computing. San Diego: Elsevier, 2020, 93(5), p. nestránkováno. ISSN 0167-8191. [Detail]
POSPÍŠIL, Lukáš, Martin ČERMÁK, David HORÁK and Jakub KRUŽÍK. Non-monotone projected gradient method in linear elasticity contact problems with given friction. Sustainability. Basilej: MDPI Open Access Publishing, 2020, 12(20), p. 1-11. ISSN 2071-1050. [Detail]
FOJTÍK, Roman, Viktor DUBOVSKÝ, Kateřina KOZLOVÁ and Lenka KUBÍNCOVÁ. Prestress losses in spruce timber. Wood Research. Bratislava: Štátny drevársky výskumný ústav, 2020, 65(4), p. 645-652. ISSN 1336-4561. [Detail]
FOJTÍK, Roman, Lenka KUBÍNCOVÁ, Viktor DUBOVSKÝ and Kateřina KOZLOVÁ. Moisture at contacts of timber-concrete element. Wood Research. Bratislava: Štátny drevársky výskumný ústav, 2020, 65(6), p. 917-924. ISSN 1336-4561. [Detail]
ČERMÁK, Martin, Stanislav SYSALA and Jan VALDMAN. Efficient and flexible MATLAB implementation of 2D and 3D elastoplastic problems. APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION. SAN DIEGO: Elsevier, 2019, 355(1), p. 595-614. ISSN 0096-3003. [Detail]
TOMČALA, Jiří, Jan PAPUGA, David HORÁK, Václav HAPLA, Marek PECHA and Martin ČERMÁK. Steps to increase practical applicability of PragTic software. Advances in Engineering Software. Elsevier, 2019, 129(1), p. 57-68. ISSN 0965-9978. [Detail]
STANĚK, František, Jan JELÍNEK, Radomír GRYGAR, Jana STAŇKOVÁ and Marcela JAROŠOVÁ. Dynamické modelování ložisek kaolinu na příkladu ložiska Jimlíkov-východ. Geologické výzkumy na Moravě a Slezsku = Geological research in Moravia snd Silesia. Masarykova univerzita, 2019, 26(1-2), p. 109-115. ISSN 1212-6209. [Detail]
URBAN, Zbyněk and Jana VOLNÁ. Exactness of Lepage 2 -forms and globally variational differential equations. International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics. Singapur: World Scientific Publishing, 2019, 16(Supplement 2), p. nestránkováno. ISSN 0219-8878. [Detail]
DLOUHÁ, Dagmar and Viktor DUBOVSKÝ. The Improvement of the Lake Most Evaporation Estimates. Inżynieria Mineralna. Polskie towarzystwo przeróbki kopalin, 2019, 43(1), p. 159-164. ISSN 1640-4920. [Detail]
URBAN, Zbyněk and Jana VOLNÁ. On a global Lagrangian construction for ordinary variational equations on 2-manifolds. Journal of Mathematical Physics. American Institute of Physics, 2019, 60(9), p. 092902. ISSN 0022-2488. [Detail]
SKALNA, Marketa, Vilem NOVAK, Marek BUZGA, Pavel SKALNÝ, Jaroslava HYBASKOVA, Jiri STRANSKY and Jan STEMBIREK. Oral Appliance Effectiveness and Patient Satisfaction with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatment in Adults. MEDICAL SCIENCE MONITOR. MELVILLE: INT SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION, INC, 2019, 25(1), p. 516-524. ISSN 1643-3750. [Detail]
SOJKA, Radim, David HORÁK, Václav HAPLA and Martin ČERMÁK. The impact of enabling multiple subdomains per MPI process in the TFETI domain decomposition method. APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION. SAN DIEGO: Elsevier, 2018, 319(FEB 15 2018), p. 586-597. ISSN 0096-3003. [Detail]
POKORNÝ, Jiří, Vladimir MOZER, Lenka BRUMAROVÁ, Dagmar DLOUHÁ and Peter WILKINSON. A simplified method for establishing safe available evacuation time based on a descending smoke layer. Communications. Žilina: Žilinská univerzita, 2018, 20(2), p. 28-34. ISSN 1335-4205. [Detail]
URBAN, Zbyněk and Jan BRAJERČÍK. The fundamental Lepage form in variational theory for submanifolds. International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics. World Scientific Publishing, 2018, 15(6), p. nestránkováno. ISSN 0219-8878. [Detail]
KRUPKA, Demeter, Zbyněk URBAN and Jana VOLNÁ. Variational submanifolds of Euclidean spaces. Journal of Mathematical Physics. American Institute of Physics, 2018, 59(3), p. nestránkováno. ISSN 0022-2488. [Detail]
ČERMÁK, Martin, Frédéric HECHT, Zuqi TANG and Martin VOHRALÍK. Adaptive inexact iterative algorithms based on polynomial-degree-robust a posteriori estimates for the Stokes problem. Numerische Mathematik. Tokio: Springer, 2018, 134(4), p. 1-39. ISSN 0029-599X. [Detail]

Conference paper

ČERMÁK, Martin and Lukáš POSPÍŠIL. Vectorized Approach for Computing Eigenvalues from the List of 3x3 Real Symmetric Matrices. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. New York: American Institute of Physics, 2023. p. 310001. ISBN 0-000-00000-0. [Detail]
DORŇÁK, Vojtěch, Lukáš POSPÍŠIL, Marek PECHA and Martin ČERMÁK. Image Features Classification Using Bayesian Model. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. New York: American Institute of Physics, 2023. p. 310002. ISBN 0-000-00000-0. [Detail]
DUBOVSKÝ, Viktor, Dagmar DLOUHÁ and Lukáš POSPÍŠIL. The Evaporation Estimation Using the Net of Micrometeostations. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. New York: American Institute of Physics, 2023. p. 310003. ISBN 0-000-00000-0. [Detail]
POSPÍŠIL, Lukáš, Stanislav SYSALA and Martin ČERMÁK. Spectral Projected Gradient Method for Conic Optimization in Kinematic Limit Analysis. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. New York: American Institute of Physics, 2023. p. 310007. ISBN 0-000-00000-0. [Detail]
BÍLEK, Vlastimil, David BUJDOŠ, Viktor DUBOVSKÝ, Filip KHESTL, Lukáš PROCHÁZKA, Lucie MALÍKOVÁ and Petr MIARKA. Development of Fracture and Other Mechanical Properties of Concretes with Different Curing. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. Volume 2950. Melville: AIP Publishing, 2023. p. 1 – 6. ISBN 978-0-7354-4761-5. [Detail]
VARGA, Radek and Martin ČERMÁK. Calibration of beam bound model for the discrete element method. In: Civil-Comp Conferences. Volume 6. Strilingshire: Civil-Comp Limited, 2023. p. 7.2. ISBN 0-000-00000-0. [Detail]
SVĚTLÍK, Tadeáš, Martin ČERMÁK, Lukáš POSPÍŠIL and Radek VARGA. Mortar method for 2D elastic contact problems. In: Civil-Comp Conferences. Volume 6. Strilingshire: Civil-Comp Limited, 2023. p. 7.3. ISBN 0-000-00000-0. [Detail]
HRONEC, Martin, Štefan HRONEC, Janka BERESECKÁ, Veronika MOŠKOŘOVÁ and Veronika DOBIÁŠOVÁ. Management Qualification and Responsible Management in Local Government. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Volume 13957. Cham: Springer, 2023. p. 491-515. ISBN 978-3-031-36807-3. [Detail]
KAWULOK, Marek, Martin ČERMÁK and Stanislav POSPÍŠIL. Numerical Procedure for Solving the Nonlinear Behaviour of a Spherical Absorber. In: Modelování v mechanice 2023 : 21. ročník mezinárodní konference : sborník rozšířených abstraktů : 25.-26.5.2023 = Modelling in Mechanics 2023 : 21th international conference : proceedings of extended abstracts : 25th and 26th May 2023. Ostrava: Vysoká škola báňská - Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2023. p. 16-16. ISBN 978-80-248-4673-6. [Detail]
SVĚTLÍK, Tadeáš, Martin ČERMÁK, Radek VARGA and Lukáš POSPÍŠIL. Mortar method with segment-to-segment approach. In: Modelování v mechanice 2023 : 21. ročník mezinárodní konference : sborník rozšířených abstraktů : 25.-26.5.2023 = Modelling in Mechanics 2023 : 21th international conference : proceedings of extended abstracts : 25th and 26th May 2023. Ostrava: Vysoká škola báňská - Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2023. p. 38. ISBN 978-80-248-4673-6. [Detail]
VARGA, Radek. Discrete element method in crack propagation analysis. In: Modelování v mechanice 2023 : 21. ročník mezinárodní konference : sborník rozšířených abstraktů : 25.-26.5.2023 = Modelling in Mechanics 2023 : 21th international conference : proceedings of extended abstracts : 25th and 26th May 2023. Ostrava: Vysoká škola báňská - Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2023. p. 42. ISBN 978-80-248-4673-6. [Detail]
DLOUHÁ, Dagmar, Lukáš POSPÍŠIL and Karolína DLOUHÁ. High school mathematics knowledge level of technical university students. In: 8th International Conference on Higher Education Advances, HEAd’22 : conference proceedings. Valencia: Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, 2022. p. 531-538. ISBN 978-84-13-96003-6. [Detail]
POSPÍŠIL, Lukáš and Michaela BOBKOVÁ. The Dual Formulation of Discretized Beam Bending Problem with Sliding and Swivel Friction. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. Volume 2425. Melville: AIP Publishing, 2022. p. "neuvedeno". ISBN 978-0-7354-4182-8. [Detail]
DORŇÁK, Vojtěch, Martin ČERMÁK, Marek PECHA and Lukáš POSPÍŠIL. SIFT Feature Extraction Applied in SVM Classification. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. Volume 2425. Melville: AIP Publishing, 2022. p. "neuvedeno". ISBN 978-0-7354-4182-8. [Detail]
ŽUROVEC, David, Martin ČERMÁK, Jakub HLOSTA, Jan NEČAS and Jiří ZEGZULKA. Optimization of vibration separator using DEM modeling method. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. Volume 2293. Melville: American Institute of Physics, 2020. p. nestránkováno. ISBN 978-0-7354-4025-8. [Detail]
HLOSTA, Jakub, Martin ČERMÁK, David ŽUROVEC and Viktor DUBOVSKÝ. Numerical study of galton board experiment via discrete element method simulation. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. Volume 2293. Melville: American Institute of Physics, 2020. p. nestránkováno. ISBN 978-0-7354-4025-8. [Detail]
ČERMÁK, Martin, S. SYSALA and J. VALDMAN. On vectorized matlab implementation of elastoplastic problems. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. Volume 2293. Melville: American Institute of Physics, 2020. p. nestránkováno. ISBN 978-0-7354-4025-8. [Detail]
HLOSTA, Jakub, Martin ČERMÁK, Jiří ROZBROJ and David ŽUROVEC. DEM-CFD Numerical Model of Laboratory Scale Fluidized Bed Coffee Roaster. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. Volume 2116. Melville: American Institute of Physics, 2019. p. 320004. ISBN 978-0-7354-1854-7. [Detail]
ČERMÁK, Martin. Numerical realization of elastoplastic one-dimensional problems. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. Volume 2116. Melville: American Institute of Physics, 2019. p. nestránkováno. ISBN 978-0-7354-1854-7. [Detail]
SCHREIBEROVÁ, Petra and Petr VOLNÝ. Geometrical meaning of derivatives in GeoGebra. In: APLIMAT 2019 : 18th Conference on Applied Mathematics : proceedings : February 5-7, 2019, Bratislava, Slovak Republic. Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 2019. p. 1042-1050. ISBN 978-1-5108-8214-0. [Detail]
DLOUHÁ, Dagmar and Kateřina KOZLOVÁ. Knowledge asessment of student's high school mathematics. In: APLIMAT 2019 : 18th Conference on Applied Mathematics : proceedings : February 5-7, 2019, Bratislava, Slovak Republic. Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 2019. p. 243-252. ISBN 978-1-5108-8214-0. [Detail]
DLOUHÁ, Dagmar, Jiří POKORNÝ and Karolína DLOUHÁ. NECESSITY OF KNOWLEDGE ABOUT MATH IN SAFETY ENGINEERING. In: E-learning: Unlocking the Gate to Education around the Globe. Praha: Centre for Higher Education Studies, 2019. p. 380-386. ISBN 978-80-86302-85-0. [Detail]
DLOUHÁ, Dagmar and Radka HAMŘÍKOVÁ. INTERACTIVE DISTANCE MATERIALS OF MATHEMATICS FOR VŠB - TU OSTRAVA. In: 13th International Conference DisCo 2018: Overcoming the Challenges and the Barriers in Open Education : conference reader : June 25-26, Prague. Praha: Centrum pro studium vysokého školství, v.v.i., 2018. p. 67-72. ISBN 978-80-86302-83-6. [Detail]
MALÝ, Lukáš, Jan ZAPLETAL, Michal MERTA and Martin ČERMÁK. Xeon Phi Acceleration of Domain Decomposition Iterations via Heterogeneous Active Messages. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. Volume 1978. New York: American Institute of Physics, 2018. p. nestránkováno. ISBN 978-0-7354-1690-1. [Detail]
TOMČALA, Jiří, Martin ČERMÁK, Marek PECHA and David HORÁK. The Fatigue Damage Software Parallelization. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. Volume 1978. New York: American Institute of Physics, 2018. p. nestránkováno. ISBN 978-0-7354-1690-1. [Detail]
PECHA, Marek, Václav HAPLA, David HORÁK and Martin ČERMÁK. Notes on the Preliminary Results of a Linear Two-Class Classifier in the PERMON Toolbox. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. Volume 1978. New York: American Institute of Physics, 2018. p. nestránkováno. ISBN 978-0-7354-1690-1. [Detail]
DLOUHÁ, Dagmar and Radka HAMŘÍKOVÁ. Our Experience with the Involvement of Students in the Creation of Study Materials. In: Aplimat 2018 : proceedings of the 17th conference on applied mathematics : February 6-8, 2018, Bratislava, Slovak Republic. Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology, 2018. p. 301-308. ISBN 978-80-227-4765-3. [Detail]
KRUŽÍK, Jakub, Marek PECHA, Václav HAPLA, David HORÁK and Martin ČERMÁK. Investigating convergence of linear SVM implemented in PermonSVM employing MPRGP algorithm. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Volume 11087. Cham: Springer, 2018. p. 115-129. ISBN 978-3-319-97135-3. [Detail]
URBAN, Zbyněk and Jana VOLNÁ. Globally variational forms on the Möbius strip: Examples. In: Modern mathematical methods in engineering : conference proceedings : January 21-24, 2018, Horní Lomná, Czech Republic. Ostrava: VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, 2018. p. 255-262. ISBN 978-80-248-4136-6. [Detail]
VOLNÁ, Jana and Petr VOLNÝ. Solids and surfaces of revolution in GeoGebra. In: Modern mathematical methods in engineering : conference proceedings : January 21-24, 2018, Horní Lomná, Czech Republic. Ostrava: VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, 2018. p. 279-283. ISBN 978-80-248-4136-6. [Detail]
KREML, Pavel, Zdeněk BOHÁČ and Jarmila DOLEŽALOVÁ. JE STUDIJNÍCH MATERIÁLŮ MÁLO NEBO MNOHO?. In: Sborník z 26. semináře Moderní matematické metody v inženýrství : 22.1. - 24.1.2018, Horní Lomná, Česko. Ostrava: VŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2018. p. 17-23. ISBN 978-80-248-4135-9. [Detail]

Abstract or poster in proceedings

GRYGAR, Radomír, František STANĚK, Jan JELÍNEK and Jana STAŇKOVÁ. Methodology for creating and visualization of 3D models for mineral deposits of critical EU commodities. Praha: Czech Geological Survey, 2019. 18-19 p. ISBN 978-80-7075-955-4. [Detail]



Conference, workshop, exhibition

KUČERA, Radek, Jarmila DOLEŽALOVÁ, Zdeněk BOHÁČ and Zuzana MORÁVKOVÁ. Modern Mathematical Methods in Engineering. 2018. [Detail]


JELÍNEK, Jan, František STANĚK, Radomír GRYGAR and Jana STAŇKOVÁ. 3D ložiskově geologický model Li-Sn-W ložiska Cínovec - východ. 2019. [Detail]
JELÍNEK, Jan, František STANĚK, Radomír GRYGAR, Jana STAŇKOVÁ and Marcela JAROŠOVÁ. 3D ložiskově geologický model ložiska kaolinu Jimlíkov - východ. 2019. [Detail]
JELÍNEK, Jan, František STANĚK, Radomír GRYGAR, Jan FRANĚK and Jana STAŇKOVÁ. 3D ložiskově geologický model ložiska grafitu Český Krumlov - Městský vrch. 2019. [Detail]
JELÍNEK, Jan, František STANĚK, Radomír GRYGAR and Jana STAŇKOVÁ. 3D ložiskově geologický model ložiska uranu Brzkov. 2019. [Detail]

Certified methodology

ZAPLETAL, Pavel, Pavel MALÍČEK and Viktor DUBOVSKÝ. Stanovení potřebného objemového průtoku větrů pro ředění koncentrací CO při ražbě velkoprofilových podzemních prostor (tunely a pod.) a důlních děl. 2019. [Detail]
STANĚK, František, Jan JELÍNEK, Radomír GRYGAR and Jana STAŇKOVÁ. Metodika tvorby a vizualizace 3D modelu ložiska uranu Brzkov. 2018. [Detail]


KOZLOVÁ, Kateřina. Analytický nástroj pro hromadné vyhodnocování parametrů charakterizujících stav jaderné elektrárny. VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, 2018. [Detail]

Unrated book

VOLNÁ, Jana and Petr VOLNÝ. Workbook for Mathematics II. Ostrava: VŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava, Fakulta stavební, 2021. ISBN 978-80-248-4510-4. [Detail]
VOLNÁ, Jana and Petr VOLNÝ. Worksheets for Mathematics II. Ostrava: VŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava, Fakulta stavební, 2021. ISBN 978-80-248-4511-1. [Detail]
VLČEK, Jaroslav, Jiří VRBICKÝ and Jakub STRYJA. Řady. Ostrava: Vysoká škola báňská - Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2020. ISBN 978-80-248-4392-6. [Detail]